Redtree IT


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Is this the most dangerous phishing scam yet?

April 8th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Is this the most dangerous phishing scam yet? Picture this: You’re going about your day, checking your emails, when suddenly you see a message from a company you trust. You think, “Great! That’s safe to read”. But hold on just one minute… this email is not what it seems. It’s part of yet another scam created by cyber criminals to trick you into clicking malicious links or giving up sensitive info. It’s called “SubdoMailing,”

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Is Wi-Fi 7 worth the investment?

April 1st 2024 By Matthew Phillips Is Wi-Fi 7 worth the investment? You know that staying ahead of the technology curve is vital for all businesses in a highly competitive marketplace. One innovation launched earlier this year is Wi-Fi 7, the next generation of wireless connection. But what exactly does it offer, and is it worth the investment for your business? Lightning-fast speeds: No more buffering and lagging. Wi-Fi 7 brings blazing-fast speeds to keep your business running smoothly. Rock-solid

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Cyber-attacks: Stronger, faster and more sophisticated

March 25th 2024 By Matthew Phillips Cyber-attacks: Stronger, faster and more sophisticated A new security report has revealed some alarming trends. First off, cyber-attacks are becoming faster than ever. Breakout times (that’s the time it takes for a criminal to move within your network after first getting in) have dropped significantly. We’re talking an average of just 62 minutes compared to 84 minutes last year. This is not good news. Not only are these attacks faster, but they’re also becoming

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The little things that make a big difference

March 18th 2024 By Matthew Phillips The little things that make a big difference Microsoft’s latest Windows 11 update has dropped, and it’s got a small change that could make a big difference to you and your team. Microsoft has given Copilot, its handy AI assistant, a new place on the taskbar. No more hunting around for the button. Now it sits on the far right of the taskbar, in what we tech folks call the ‘system tray area’. If

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Before you replace your slow PCs…

March 4th 2023 By Matthew Phillips Before you replace your slow PCs… You rely on your team to be efficient and productive. But slow and sluggish computers can make it difficult for them to do their work – and could affect you personally too. Which impacts your business’s overall performance. Before you jump to the (expensive) conclusion that you need to replace your PCs, there are several ways you can increase computer performance on Windows 10 and 11. Here are

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