Redtree IT

About Us

Trust is a hard thing to win, but it’s so easy to lose. At Redtree, we don’t believe trust comes from pinning new clients down to long contracts and restrictive notice periods.
That’s why you’ll enjoy fixed costs, a 30-day rolling contract and a truly unlimited service. That’s all the site visits and remote support you can handle. All the advice and consultancy you need. Did we mention fixed costs?

Maybe you’ve never used a Managed Service Provider before and you’ve got yourself in a pickle. Maybe your supplier was outrageously expensive, out of line or just out of touch.

Perhaps the staff working more and more from home has hit you hard, you’re confused about the cloud or worried about security.

Wherever you are on your business’s Journey, we want to be there with you, steering you around the pitfalls and helping you see through the trees.

Let’s help you put a face to the key members of the team.

We’re a small, tight-knit team that love technology and are passionate about making our client’s days easier.

Give our faces a tap!


Mat runs the office and manages the team, he likes nothing more than a good spreadsheet. As part of this mid-life crisis, he is now trying to surf, saying that he says he looks cool when he’s catching the waves. We are not so sure.

Mat will often jump on the helpdesk on days that get really busy or if the team need some third line help, so you’ll
probably speak to him at some point.


Sam loves nothing more than a super-hot curry. If you want recommendations of the best curry houses around Cardiff then look no further!

Sam has also managed to clock up more hours on call of duty (a classic office game) than should be possible for a man of his age. He’s also a fine techy and heads up our support team.


Jeff has been working in IT since the dawn of time. He manages our hardware delivery and ensures your sparkling new hardware arrives with you in pristine condition and ready to go.

Jeff loves a bit of wood work in his free time, we wonder how many chopping boards Mrs Skinner actually needs.

You may also catch Jeff on the Helpdesk as over the years he has built up some amazing knowledge and experience.


Paul is our solutions expert, bringing together hardware, software and clients like a chef creating the perfect
dessert. With a passion for security Paul will visit clients regularly to discuss the ever-changing security landscape.

In his downtime Paul can be found hurtling down the
mountains of south Wales on a bike.

Crazy fool.


Andrew joined the team in 2020 and has become a fantastic member of the team. 

He works on our helpdesk and spends his days helping end users out with their IT problems.  

Andrew loves all sports and still has a passion for football even as a Manchester United supporter.

Redtree's Partners

How Redtree makes a difference

We send cows to Uganda, well, not actual cows (that would be expensive and a little bit strange). Redtree funds cows for rural women or widows who will use them to provide nutrition through the milk and breed them to produce calves to sell.

For 2022, we have partnered with Salt Peter Trust. They help some of the poorest in society, to become self-reliant, providing healthcare and educational support as well as training and assistance to establish income-generating projects.

Every time a ticket is logged with our helpdesk and a feedback form is completed, we will donate £1 to the project.

While sitting at your desk and completing a short feedback form, you can impact someone who lives over five thousand miles away.

Your Journey with Redtree

Reach Out

No hard sell, just a chat through your technology. What’s good, what could be better Book a 15min Exploratory Meeting
Book Here

Initial Review

Our tech team will take a look through your existing systems and dig a little deeper. We will send you an initial proposal based on our findings.


Redtree will discuss our findings, plan and proposal. Still no hard sell, just a time to consider options and understand the next steps.


This is when you can sit back and relax, we will setup our systems while keeping you informed throughout the whole process. Welcome to Redtree.

Reach Out

No hard sell, just a chat through your technology. What’s good, what could be better Book a 15min Exploratory Meeting
Book Here

Initial Review

Our tech team will take a look through your existing systems and dig a little deeper. We will send you an initial proposal based on our findings.


Redtree will discuss our findings, plan and proposal. Still no hard sell, just a time to consider options and understand the next steps.


This is when you can sit back and relax, we will setup our systems while keeping you informed throughout the whole process. Welcome to Redtree.

Tap Below to Find Out More!

Reach Out

No hard sell, just a chat through your technology. What’s good, what could be better Book a 15min Exploratory Meeting
Book Here

Initial Review

Our tech team will take a look through your existing systems and dig a little deeper. We will send you an initial proposal based on our findings.


Redtree will discuss our findings, plan and proposal. Still no hard sell, just a time to consider options and understand the next steps.


This is when you can sit back and relax, we will setup our systems while keeping you informed throughout the whole process. Welcome to Redtree.

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